Cure For Hot Flashes

Hot flashes, which are noted by increased heat and flushing in the face, are common among women approaching menopausal age, and some, are afflicted by severe symptoms. Finding relief in the form of natural herbs helps eliminate stress that accompanies the problem. While hormone therapy is a popular treatment which is used by many women, others prefer the natural route, taking doses of Vitamin E and Vitamin B to aid in the easing of symptoms. But herbs play an important role in natural hot flash therapy. It’s iherb code
Try increasing your intake of foods that contain or are derived from soy, such as soybean, soy milk, soy powder, tofu, soy nuts, and temper, as consuming these foods is better than taking soy supplements. Make sure that you get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. You could choose from a variety of activities like walking, running, jogging, cycling, swimming, playing sports, etc.
However, in order to prevent night-sweats, do not exercise for at least 3 hours, before you go to bed. Stay away from certain foods that are known to trigger bouts of hot flashes. These foods include cayenne, spicy food, caffeine and alcohol. Stick to foods that keep your body cool, like fresh salads, yogurt and fruits. Keep sipping plenty of iced water throughout the day. Maintaining a diary and keeping a track of the date, time and intensity can help you to identify the foods that should be avoided, in order to keep your body cool.
The hot weather generally intensifies hot flashes and therefore, dressing in the right way can help reduce the number of flashes that you go through in a day. Wear clothes that keep you cool and allow your skin to breathe, like cotton clothes. Vitamin E is believed to be an effective remedy, as this nutrient can relieve the frequency and severity.
Herbal remedies for hot flashes involve Black Choosy, also known as Squawroot, Black snakeroot, Rattle weed. Hot flashes are usually some of the early signs and symptoms of menopause and involve night sweats, anxiety, and sleep problems. Your hot flashes can usually last from only a few seconds to 6 minutes or more and come on many times each day. The degree will differ from person to person and in many could be very severe.
Hot flashes may not only be extremely embarrassing but also incapacitating as well. They can easily cause you to experience problems sleeping at all or even to toss and turn all night. One of the most efficient herbal remedies for hot flashes entails utilizing the rhizome of the Black Cohosh plant. Native Americans normally would boil this plant to produce a tea that would address several illnesses that affected women. This herbal remedy works by obstructing the receptors for estrogen, which results in the LH (a hormone) being reduced.
Vitamin E. vitamin E is one of the treatment for hot flashes actually made up of several different antioxidants – four tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) and four tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta). The alpha tocopherol vitamin E is the only type that the human body can store and maintain, and one of the few natural substances that delivers consistent results to women suffering uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. Progesterone cream. Progesterone is vital to your body because it inhibits the harmful effects of estrogen, particularly cell growth.